Thursday, March 8, 2007


A father tells his children he has a surprise for them - they're going to Disneyland! He anticipates joy and excitement peppered with disbelief. "Really?!" he thinks they'll say. "Can we go tomorrow?" But instead the response is full of apprehension. "Are YOU going to buy the plane tickets? How will we get from the airport to the hotel? Which hotel will we stay at? Will you be sure to feed me while we're there? Will my feet get sore from walking all day, and what about sunburn?" On and on the questions fly.

I think sometimes we do the same to our Heavenly Fathers heart. Scripture says the plans he has for us are to prosper us and not to harm us. Yet when the Father tells us he has an adventure for us we often respond with fear - fear of the unknown, fear of lack of control, fear of failure. But if we truly responded to Him with the heart of a child we would have little if any concerns and be overwhelmed with excitement, each day asking "Is it today? Do we get to go today?".

Oh to have this kind of wonder and trust - the heart of a child.

Matt 18:1-5


mobel22 said...

Yes, He has a plan for us and He does want to prosper us but keep in mind the verses where that are found in Jeremiah are within the context of the country of Israel being sent into exile in Babylon for a promised 70 years. Many who heard these "encouraging" words were leaving their homes to go into slavery and most probably to never return. The real message is that NO MATTER WHAT your life looks like or how bleak it may appear, YOU HAVE NOT BEEN ABANDONED and He STILL has a plan to prosper you.

marinamouse said...

This is very true. I'm not sure I'm very excited about it but that doesn't make it less true.

In fact at the moment I feel like I'm in one of those 'desert places' and wondering what God wants me to do/learn/endure. Going into slavery is not what I had in mind, but it is key to remember that God is far less concerned with our momentary happiness than our overall growth. I'm not sure I like that either, but I know it is the right thing, the enduring thing, and what I truely desire underneath all the fickle daily desires for other more fleeting things.