Saturday, March 10, 2007

Green or ripe?

I suppose I have lots of company in my frustration with how ineffective the church seems to be at spreading the gospel. I have to look at my own life as well, and I don't like what I see there either. Since we have the Holy Spirit in us we should be spreading the truth of Christ readily. My husband thinks I'm idealistic but I have this nagging feeling (not that I base my theology on feelings) that there is SO much more I should be doing, if I could just figure out what that is. The people I work with should see Jesus in me and be drawn to it. I should speak of Him more boldly. Stuff should be happening, but I don't see it.

Jesus said to pray for harvesters, that the fields were ripe. This meant that many want to know God, someone just has to point the way. Boy, I don't see that either. I get the hand in my face when I invite people to church. I get passionate "how can you believe that" arguments back when I speak of Him. Godly ministries are mocked. Am I in the wrong field? Where are all these ripe grains that are ready for plucking?! Apparently they're not in Seattle, or at least not in my immediate area.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I so often feel just the same way. "Stuff should be happening."

I've wondered often about that dream and that craving to be effective contrasted with the slow-motion feel of my influence in this world.

I have no answers.